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Made by de l’Orme

Industrial Designer – Graphic Designer – Product designer.

Producer (Vintage) copper products & accessories, furniture made from Recycled (railway) sleepers and other furniture. If we look specifically at the use of ‘copper’ this material is really “hot” in the world of design.

Victor fits this material frequently into his designs, often in combination with leather. Curious about the possibilities? We kindly would like to inform you.

Education Victor de l’Orme, Eindhoven:
– Grafisch vormgever | Grafisch Lyceum
– Industrieel designer | Design Academy


[column col=”1/3″]Contact the designerContact-Us-EP[/column][column col=”1/3″]Check his gallery camera_replcemnt_icon_and_png_by_tinsdar-d40eri0[/column]

[column col=”1/3″]Website Victor de l’Ormemade_by_delorme[/column]